As a Counselor in Asheville, NC, I have some thoughts...

I’ve been a counselor in Asheville and throughout NC for over fifteen years, and I love this work.

Here on my blog page, I share some of my thoughts on life, healing & the human condition. You can find my ideas and ruminations about counseling, therapy and the healing process here in my blog. I also share some of the podcast interviews I’ve done below, and a bit of my social media presence. You can also check out some of the articles I’ve contributed to here.

I realize that reaching out to a virtual stranger to get support in areas that might evoke shame, feel overwhleming, or are too vulnerable to typically share can be daunting. My hope is that, through reading some of my thoughts and ideas and hearing my voice you’ll get to know me a bit, and feel more comfortable to reach out.

If you have any questions, or would like to set up a phone consultation, you can do that here. Here are some links if you’d like to learn more about my services, who I work with, or my rates.

Asheville Counseling Blog by Rachael Chatham

Child.ol’.a.try: 1. Worship of one’s children at the expense of one’s marriage. 2. Why parenthood today kills sex and creates marital dissatisfaction.

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Prioritizing Your Partner Over Your Kids

  Child.ol'.a.try Child.ol'.a.try: 1. Worship of one's children at the expense of one's marriage. 2. Why parenthood today kills sex and creates...

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HSP Therapy in Asheville

HSP Therapy in Asheville

Highly Sensitive People, or HSPs are often people who feel a lot, give a lot, and struggle a lot as a result of this predisposition. Finding HSP...

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The Serenity Prayer

The Serenity Prayer

    Over the past week I have been reminded, on several occasions, of the importance of acceptance on the road to healing. Situations with...

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There are no long-term, lasting benefits from taking A.D.H.D. medications… but mindfulness seems to be training the same areas of the brain that have reduced activity in A.D.H.D. That’s why mindfulness might be so important…  it seems to get at the causes.

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Using Mindfulness to Treat Adult ADHD

Cognitive control, loosely defined as the ability to maintain sustained attention amidst the temptation of distraction, is a key factor missing for...

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Stepping in to Step-Parenting!

Stepping in to Step-Parenting!

When I got married two years ago to my (now) husband, a father of two boys, I was hopelessly romantic and admittedly naive about what becoming a...

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Anxiety Therapy

Anxiety Therapy

Anxiety is a normal human response to stress. Everyone, at some point in their lives, experiences anxiety. The degree to which our anxiety impacts...

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My Own Lessons in Non Attachment

My Own Lessons in Non Attachment

When I started up my private psychotherapy practice a few years ago, my first office seemed to fall into my lap. It was a low-risk investment in a...

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Looking for Something Specific?

counseling in asheville, NC

Counseling in Asheville for Hurricane Helene

Western North Carolinians have been through a lot lately. Residents of WNC are still healing after Hurricane Helene flooded our town and changed our lives.

As a psychotherapist and counselor in Asheville, NC, I have felt, seen and heard about this experience as it conintues to reverberate throughout our mountain town.

If you need a space to process Helene’s impact on you, please don’t hesitate to reach out.


Podcast Interviews with Rachael Chatham, Counselor in Asheville, NC 

Counselor Asheville, NC | Rachael Chatham on Instagram

Whole Self Therapy® PLLC

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