In places like Asheville, where the entrepreneurial spirit is strong, there seems to be an abundance of health conscious individuals. Austin, San Francisco, and other cities that boast high numbers of self-starters also have an eye toward healthy eating and active lifestyles. While entrepreneurship has many benefits, it can also have some drawbacks.

In this NY Times article, Sophie Egan takes a look at the pros and cons of going into business for oneself. Among her findings as perhaps the greatest drawback to going into business solo, is not having health insurance. A solution is offered, however, in the form of a StartupInsurance, which is scheduled to launch later this month, and is aimed directly at independent business owners, and “which will be compliant with the Affordable Care Act by 2014 and are tailored for entrepreneurs.”

Read the full article here:

The Health Tradeoffs of Entrepreneurship 

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