Resilience isn’t one thing: it is a set of skills. You don’t need to do or have all of them, but the more you have, the better your odds of withstanding life’s ups and downs. But what does it mean to be resilient?

Some people call resilience “protective factors” because they can, indeed, keep you protected from the inevitable challenges that everyone must face. We’ll all deal with disappointment, frustration, irritation, and setbacks.

The more tools in your toolkit, the better you’ll be able to find the right one for the particular job at hand.

The image lists about eight skills that can help to build up your resilience.

Harness Your Ability to Problem Solve

Be Willing to Adapt and Be Flexible

Foster Good Social Support: Friends or Family

Use Your Sense of Humor: Laugh at Life’s Frustrations

Self-Confidence: Know and Use Your Strengths

Maintain Optimism and a “Can Do” Attitude Toward Life

Cultivate Emotional Awareness and Good Communication Skills

Use Self-Control and Respond Wisely to LIfe’s Changing Circumstances

Got one to add? Drop me a comment.

If you’re struggling with not feeling very resilient and would like support, shoot me an email, and let’s look at what’s going on together.

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