Navigating the Weekend After a Tough Break-Up is… Tough!

Keeping busy after a painful break-up, particularly on the weekends can be a challenge. Especially if your weekends when you were in a relationship were completely consumed by your partner. Rest assured, we humans are an adaptable species, and we can forge a new path forward. Since navigating the weekend after a tough break-up can be a real challenge, here are a few suggestions. 

The Old & The New

Finding new ways to occupy your time sometimes includes revisiting things that you used to do before that recent romance even started. Take some time to reflect on who “single you” was, and what that person enjoyed doing solo. Did you hang out at cafes over coffee and your laptop? Go to the gym or take exercise classes? Did single you get together with friends regularly? Drawing on your personal history can be one way to start to repopulate your weekend itinerary.

Self-care is another important factor to keep in mind after a break-up. Sometimes, since we can lose ourselves in romance, we fail to take the best care of ourselves! Reintroducing preparing and eating healthy meals, getting enough rest, practicing self-compassion, spending time outdoors in nature and creative expression are all great ways to spend post-breakup time. Doing a deep cleaning of your home can be another way to reclaim your space and work through some of your hurt, anger, or sadness.

Lastly, consider new things that you might be up for trying. Have you considered taking a new class, joining a new group, making a few new friends, or checking out a local spot that you haven’t yet made it to because you were so wrapped up in your relationship? Now’s the time to try something new and give yourself a fresh opportunity to experience the many possibilities that still exist out there in the world.

A Word of Caution

A few things you should avoid include: spending time online lurking around your ex’s social media, ruminating about your ex, and not leaving your home. There is certainly a time to grieve and rest, but when you feel ready, it’s time to start moving again!

Struggling with a recent break-up?

If you’re looking for support as you work through a recenet break-up, reach out today. 

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