What To Expect

Step One: Connecting 

The process is really quite simple:

  • We begin our work together with your first call or email to me, I then set up a time with you to talk via phone for about 10-15 minutes.
  • This first conversation is an opportunity for me to get to know you a bit and to better understand why you are seeking out therapy and a time for you to ask any questions you might have.
  • If it sounds like we are a good fit to work together based on this conversation, we will schedule a time to meet for your first session.
  • We meet for weekly sessions for as long as needed. Sessions are 50 or 75 minutes in duration and are scheduled for Mondays, Tuesdays, or Wednesdays. My office hours are from generally 9 – 4 on those days. If we meet on Monday or Tuesday, we typically meet in my office located just south of downtown Asheville. Wednesdays are all virtual appointments, so we meet online using a HIPPA-compliant web service.


Step Two: Let’s Get To Work!

There are a few factors that I have found to be key determinants in ensuring therapeutic success:

Commitment: The therapeutic relationship, like any other worthwhile endeavor requires time, energy, and effort. Psychotherapy is a commitment to your personal growth and an investment in your well-being.

The type of therapy I provide is intensive and in depth. It is an exploration of your life’s journey and current way of being in the world, in relationship to yourself and others. This therapy is experiential and transformative.

As such, I require weekly sessions at the outset of our work, with a minimum of 6-8 weeks to dedicate to consistent weekly meetings.

Intention: Having some sense of what you are hoping to get out of the experience of therapy can be beneficial, even if that sense is vague at first. In the beginning, you may or may not know exactly what you want to achieve through the therapeutic process, and that is just fine. Often times, plans crystallize as a part of the process and aims come into focus as we explore your situation. At other times, individuals enter into therapy for one reason, and find that other issues surface and become the focus of the work for some time.


Willingness: The psychotherapeutic process is one of inquiry and exploration. Aa an engaging therapist, part of my job is to ask questions, to clarify and help us both deepen our understanding of what appears to be happening in your life. Staying open, honest, and curious will serve you in your endeavor to get where you want to be.



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